Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove, Alaska 99612
Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove, Alaska 99612
IGAP stands for Indian General Assistance Program. The Indian General Assistance Program is a EPA funded program that focuses on environmental factors that impact community health.
Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove Environmental Department
Working to keep our community Clean, Healthy and Beautiful!
We are here for the community, and our department focuses on different environmental factors that impact community health such as; water sampling, shellfish monitoring, electronic waste, ocean acidification, BEACH monitoring, air quality and coming up with environmental plans for our future.
Get youth interested in Environmental Activities and their Community Environmental needs!
Our program has the opportunity to work with the school, and we get the kids involved with educational games, contests, they learn about composting, recycling, emergency preparedness, and more!
Every summer we hire 2-4 youth's to work with us up here at the tribe. If this is something you would like to do give us a call at:
Our IGAP Coordinator is Shannel Newman
The IGAP Department likes to host community clean-up days around the end of the school year. Having volunteers and participating in our community clean-up helps makes a difference.
We will post more about our upcoming community clean-up day/s when we have more information.
If you have any questions or interested in working with us or in our youth department you can give us a call:
Our IGAP Coordinator is Shannel Newman